Album artwork by David Gosker (collages) and Karianne Hylkema (graphic design). www.davidgosker.com & www.karianne.nl
If you wish to buy one (or more) of our albums, please go to our Shop page (see the Shop button above).
Our new album ‘Heroes and Foes’ is released on October the 16th, 2022. You can order the digipack cd by sending an email to info@chabliz.com. The album is already available on Amazon and on Bol.com later this month. The album is available on most streaming platforms.
Our older album Nightporter is still internationally available, our first live album “BlackBlue” is sold out. Our album Straight Stories is released in 2017, and available on Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Apple Music, Deezer and many other platforms. Please go to our “Shop”-page for more info.
Our EP ‘In Bluebeard’s Garden’ was released in Dec 2021. In July 2021 we released a single, ‘Beyond the Tides.’
Album artwork Straight Stories: Albert de Ree (painting) and Pim van Riezen (graphic design). Album artwork Nightporter by Ingrid Mol and Quinten Smith. Graphic design BlackBlue album: Arthur van Keppel. Artwork ‘Heroes and Foes’ by David Gosker and Karianne Hylkema.