This is the most recent interview (in Dutch) with our singer Petra on the radio (Omroep Baarle, Dec 21, 2023):

This is one of the most recent interviews (in Dutch) with our singer Petra about Chabliz and the new EP, on Maxazine (July 2023).
On Oct 20, 2023 we gave a live interview on Radio Midvliet.
This is one of our most recent radio interviews (December 29th, 2022) on Volgspot Radio, NPO2, KRO-NCRV (in Dutch). The interview starts on minute 51.
This is a recent interview (2022) in English, by KMS Reviews, on YouTube and as a podcast on Spotify. You can chose between the podcast and the YouTube session.
This is a recent interview with us and the organisation of the ‘Gluren bij de Buren’ festival in the Dutch AD newspaper (December 2022).
This is one of our recent interviews (Summer 2021) in Dutch, by the Wat nou als het lukt podcast. You find the interview with our singer in the second part of this podcast, and you’ll need to scroll down on their page.
Another good interview with Petra is this Earworks interview. Also in Dutch.
And this is an interview (in Dutch) with Ice Radio.
This is an interview in English (2020) by KMS Reviews.
An old interview (in Dutch) with Marcel, Petra and our former pianist Henk is on this YouTube video.
This is an interview in Dutch with de Volkskrant.
And this is an interview in Dutch with Snob Radio.
An interview with our singer with Ondergewaardeerde Liedjes is here.