Our concert on Sunday Sept 6th will be online, due to the new coronarules. The council of Breda doesn’t allow us to play in a garden anymore…..The time has been changed to 4.15 PM. Originally we were booked on a gardenconcert at this nice outdoor gardenfestival, totally coronaproof we would say…. but nevertheless the council of Breda didn’t approve it. It would be our first live concert with a real audience since corona………… but now we will give an online concert instead. You are able to watch it live at our Facebookpage and on the Struinen in de Tuinen website. Hope to see you there!
Online concert with ‘Struinen in de Tuinen’
This entry was posted in Concerts, In The Media, News and tagged Breda, Chabliz, concert, Corona, coronaproof, coronarules, council, Facebookpage, gardenconcert, live, liveconcert, onlineconcert, Struinen in de Tuinen. Bookmark the permalink.