Daily Archives: December 2, 2014
Live concertversion “I Put a Spell on You ” :
Sound technician Lauwrence de Vries made a live recording of our gig at JV Blanko in Emmen, about four weeks ago. You’re able to listen to our version of Screamin’Jay Hawkins’ superhit “I Put a Spell on You ” right … Continue reading →
Posted in Concerts, In The Media, Meta, News, Uncategorized
Tagged acoustic double bass, alternative, artists, avantgarde rock, Blanko, bowed bass, bowed double bass, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, concert, Diamanda Galas, double bass, eclectisch, Emmen, experimental, female fronted rock, gig, gothic, gothic jazz, gothicjazz, haunting, hysterical, I put a spell on you, JV Blanko, Lauwrence de Vries, live, live concert, live gig, live music, live performance, live recording, live-optreden, livegig, liverecording, Marcel Peters, Nina Hagen, operatic, operatic rock, outrageous, performance, Petra de Winter, Pim van Riezen, pop noir, popnoir, postpunk, punk, recording, rock, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Screamin' Jay Hawkins Tribute, Screamin'Jay Hawkins, screaming, screams, semi acoustic, Spell, Theatre, Tribute
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