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Tag Archives: Wagnerian
Poppies @ Maxazine
Our WW1 – videoclip “Poppies in Flanders Fields” is today the editors pick in “Enjoy this Music” at their quite popular Maxazine pop and rock newssite ! Of course we are quite proud of this 🙂 This is the link … Continue reading →
Posted in In The Media, Meta, News, reviews, Uncategorized
Tagged "Poppy Day", "Rene Meester", alternative, Ap de Ree, artists, battlefields, Belgium, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, concert, eclectisch, eerste wereldoorlog, Flanders, Flanders Fields, found footage, gig, gothic, gothic jazz, gothicjazz, Great War, John McCrae, live, Marcel Peters, Maxazine, media, performance, Petra de Winter, Pim van Riezen, pop noir, popnoir, Poppies, Poppies in Flanders Fields, popsite, rock, rocknews, rocksite, Tribute, video, videoclip, Wagner, Wagnerian, WO1, WW1
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De Alternatieve Muziekman wrote a nice article about our new videoclip on his blog : Article Alternatieve Muziekman One little warning: it’s written in Dutch…
Posted in In The Media, Meta, News, reviews, Uncategorized
Tagged "Poppies Day", "Poppy Day", alternatief, alternatieve, Alternatieve Muziekman, alternative rock, avantgarde pop, avantgarde rock, ballad, blog, Chabliz, De alternatieve muziekman, De Grote Oorlog, Grote Oorlog, jazzy, JJ Music House, musicblog, muziekman, Poppies in Flanders Fields, videoclip, Wagner, Wagnerian, WO1, WW1
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Article @ Den Haag FM
Popjournalist and radio stationmanager Gerard van den Ijssel wrote a nice dutch article about our new videoclip concerning WW1, including a You Tubelink to this “Poppies in Flanders Fields”- clip. This is the link to this interesting, Dutch article. It … Continue reading →
Posted in Concerts, In The Media, Meta, News, reviews, Uncategorized
Tagged "Poppy Day", "Remembrance Day", "Rene Meester", 1914, 1914-1918, alternative, Ap de Ree, ballad, ballade, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, clip, concert, Den Haag, Den Haag FM, documentary, eclectisch, eerste wereldoorlog, First World War, Flanders Fields, Gerard van den Ijssel, gig, gothic, gothic jazz, gothicjazz, hardrock, jazz, jazzy, JJ Music House, John McCrae, live, November 11, opera, operapop, operatic, operatic rock, performance, Petra de Winter, Pim van Riezen, pop noir, Poppies, Poppies in Flanders Fields, Radio, radiostation, rock, soundtrack, The Hague, video, videoclip, Wagner, Wagnerian, WO1, WW1, You Tube, Zoetermeer
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New videoclip about WW1 :
Chabliz recorded a new videoclip with their song “Poppies in Flanders Fields”. It’s a song about WW1 (The Great War), composed by Gerrit Vennema. It has a jazzy start and a Wagnerian rockin’end. We used found footage from 1914-1918, mixed … Continue reading →
Posted in Concerts, In The Media, Meta, News, Uncategorized
Tagged "Gerrit Vennema", "Poppy Day", "Remembrance Day", "Rene Meester", 1914, 1914-1918, 1915, 1918, alternative, Ap de Ree, artists, Chabliz, chablizpopnoir, concert, De Groote Oorlog, De Grote Oorlog, eclectisch, eerste wereldoorlog, Flanders, found footage, gig, gothic, gothic jazz, gothicjazz, Groote Oorlog, honderd, honderd jaar, Ieper, jazzy, John McRae, jubileum, kanonnen, klaprozen, last post, loopgraven, New Romantic, New Romanticism, new wave, oorlogsgraven, performance, Petra de Winter, Pim van Riezen, pop noir, popnoir, Poppies, Poppies in Flanders Fields, Poppies. "Remembrance Day" ww1, Poppy, postpunk, rock, rock-noir, Rotterdam, slagvelden, The great War, Theatre, video, videoclip, Vlaanderen, Wagner, Wagnerian, warpoet, warpoets, whilstnotforget, WO1, WW1, You Tube, Ypres
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